
Sweet Puppy.... as long as she's sleeping

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Vloggy Vlog

Inspired by my amazing friend Darby over at Life With The Hawleys, I've decided to to my very first Vlog.  She and her friend Crystal from Homemaker in Heels are hosting a Vlog link up party.  I decided to jump on board since I have been interested in making a Vlog for some time now.  Also, I've been really feeling a desire to get more into the world of blogging and becoming more involved in things like this.  I'm eager to get connected with other blogs and I saw this as a great ticket.  Darby and Crystal met via blogging, and hopefully soon I can be friends with people like Crystal (I'm already in love with her blog!) and other amazing blogging ladies out there in cyberspace.

So without further ado, here is my very first attempt at a vlog.  Enjoy!


  1. Super cute!!!! This looks great Erin!!! Please visit and link up your post so that people can watch your adorable self :-)

  2. Hey Erin! I ran across your Vlog over at Life with the Hawleys and I thought you were super cute! Congrats on the baby and the recent masters degree! I love your blog and I am excited to get to know you and start following you!

    1. Thanks, Kellyn!!! I just realized you made a comment - I had all my notifications going to another email and it didn't forward the way I thought it was going to! I have since corrected that! :) Thanks for following me! :) We have a lot in common - we both went to R-MC and have done stints as Admissions Counselors! I only traveled a little, but I loved it!

  3. Watched it & Loved it :) You were super southern in this one! It must be that baby coming that brings out the twang.
    Hope to see you soon! Lauren
